Through wind and rain, a stampede of fans in mini-skirts and high heels clicked its way up the hill to the Gibson to see the biggest hip-hop group around. This was the first night of two sold out shows, and the Black Eyed Peas’ first American headlining tour.

Drawing in the widest variety of fans ever, the Peas packed the venue with typical hoochies, grade-schoolers and even the salt and pepper patrons seen at senior discount night at IHOP.

Enthusiastic sets by Flipsyde and the Pussycat Dolls started the show, but it was obvious whom everyone was there to see. The Peas began their night of theatrics backstage at a press junket as fans watched on large screens. The real Peas walked up to the junket to find imposters in their seats and chased them out and onto the stage to begin the first song, “Hey Mama.”

Fergie shook her sparkly blue track suited humps more fiercely as the set rolled on. All the white girls in the audience shook it with intense passion in a feeble attempt to move like Fergie. The Peas were all equally active and clad in their own unique, yet slightly mismatched fashions, and Taboo’s pants left nothing to the imagination.

They continued the night with hits like “Hands Up,” “Disco Club” and “Dum Diddly,” with special guest Dante Santiago. The coordination and fast action of their set shows this performance took months of planning and practice to pull off seamlessly. It’s truly amazing that all four of the Peas can be standing right next to each other, singing entirely different lyrics in different keys and still meld perfectly.

Audience involvement is a big one for the Peas as directed fans to put their hands in the air, left to right. Immediately the smell of sweaty armpits filled the air, which was the perfect atmosphere for “Smells Like Funk.”

The Peas put on the ritz for their hometown during “Shut Up” as and Fergie acted out the lyrics, pretending to be arguing lovers. Between will’s sincerity and Fergie’s pouty lips and pissed off expressions, they pulled off every line of the over-the-top performance. Fergie even showed off her athleticism by completing a series of one-handed cartwheels across the stage while singing flawlessly.

Each member had a solo breakdown, where he or she shared comments and songs about ethnicity and hip-hop culture. Just when the audience began to yawn, the Peas came back with “Pump It,” “Where is the Love” and last but not least, “My Humps.” The crowd rose to its feet for the finale, while a group of male break-dancers dazzled with mind-boggling acrobatics.