Leaving for college? Here's some advice on what not to pack from the book How to Survive Your Freshman Year, straight from people who've done it:

“If I could go back and not buy a computer, that's what I'd do. And I've never used IM, and I get by. Here's how it works: Because I don't have a computer in my room, I'm never in my room. Since I'm never in my room, I'm always outside in the quad. Since I'm always in the quad, I see my friends. Since I'm always seeing my friends out here, I don't need to see them on IM.

“The reason you need IM is because you're always in your room with your computer. It creates its own problem and solves its own problem. Get rid of the computer and you won't need IM. And you can spend that $1,500 on beer and food and spring break trips.”

—Rich Murphy, Georgetown University, junior

“I just didn't know what to bring, so I kept packing every little thing I might need or want to have with me. I would have brought my bathroom and bed, too! When I got to school I had no place to put anything. I ended up bringing back as much stuff as I could each time I went home. After break, I came back up with only the things I really needed.”

—Ilana Coopersmith, Rutgers University, 2002

“Do not download AOL Instant Messenger. That will be the end of you. That is the greatest procrastination tool known to man. I wish I had never discovered that stupid thing. I hate it. It's a leash. People keep you on a leash with that.”

—Mike Parker, Georgetown University, sophomore

“I came here with my dad's station wagon and a minivan filled with my stuff. About a week ago, my parents came back and we packed the station wagon back up and sent stuff back home. It was too much. I brought my notes from my classes in high school. I brought my books from home. I didn't even want to look at a book or notes unless it was from a current class.”

—H.D. Ballard, University Of Virginia, freshman

“Don't be the only person in your dorm with a car, and if you are, don't let other people borrow it. If you do, there will be trouble.”

—Hannah, Emory University, junior

Hundreds of Heads Books' survival guides offer the wisdom of the masses by assembling the experiences and advice of hundreds of people who have gone through life's biggest challenges and have insight to share. To share your advice or for more information, visit www.hundredsofheads.com.

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