When it comes to preparing for any certification exam, there is no one-size-fits-all strategy. Some candidates may be comfortable with instructor-led training courses, while others would prefer self-study. To have effective preparation, you should first understand your style of learning. If you want to approach your preparation based on how your friends or colleagues study, you may find yourself failing your test. To avoid this, you should know the best way you can prepare and keep at it. In this post, we won’t force any preparation, but we will share some training options that you can explore for the Cisco CCNA certification exam and choose one of your preferences. CCNA Exam Questions

Cisco CCNA Certification: Prerequisite Exam

To get the CCNA credential, you need to take the Cisco 200-301 exam. It is designed to measure your knowledge of a range of technological concepts. These include the basics of networking, services and connectivity, IT security, as well as automation and programmability. The topics of the test are wide, which means that you need to be equipped with a broad range of skills. With the right preparation, you can ace this exam on the first try. Certbolt Exam Dumps

Talking about the prerequisites, it is recommended that you have at least one year of work experience in the implementation and administration of Cisco solutions. You should also have a good understanding of the IP addressing concepts and networking. The exam has a variety of question formats, including multiple choice, drag and drop, scenario-based, and active screen. You will have 120 minutes to complete all these questions and get 825 points as the pass mark. Certbolt Cisco 300-425 Dumps

The Cisco credentials are some of the most popular in the world of IT. This means that you are able to find resources that will help with your study. Here are the top tools that the candidates can use to prepare for their 200-301 CCNA exam:

  • Training courses

You can choose the official instructor-led course or any other training option offered by other platforms online. Cisco CCNA Practice TestWhen choosing your course, ensure that it covers all the topics of the exam. You should also check to see if you can gain practical lab experience while taking this training.

  • Video tutorials

If you can’t go through the instructor-training courses, video tutorials are another way to develop the required competence for the exam. YouTube is a great platform to find these videos and the best part about using these resources is that you can watch them at your convenience. Certbolt Cisco CCNP Practice Test Dumps

  • Book resources

If you want to develop in-depth skills and knowledge in the content of the exam, you should consider getting the latest edition of the CCNA study guide. You will also be able to find lab exercises and practice questions in it.

  • Practice tests and exam dumps

Finally, you should get some experience by taking practice tests and exam dumps. These tools will help you identify your knowledge gap to work towards covering them. You can’t have effective preparation without these resources. Certbolt Devnet Associate Dumps


To sum it all up, you don’t have to use all these resources for your exam preparation. Every candidate uses different combinations of study materials because they have different preferences and knowledge bases. So, when you understand your learning style, you will be able to choose the appropriate prep options.