Campus Circle, Inc. is a media marketing company and data aggregator that offers clients email marketing strategies that include the options to pre-target and/or re-target email subscribers using display, mobile and social media advertising.

We use email marketing best practices to collect data and create email subscriber profiles using permission based micro-surveys within a vast network of website partners. These profiles are constantly being updated with new information known as “Trigger Data.” As a result, we are able to pre-qualify email subscribers whom have shown an interest to make certain types of purchases and therefore, maximize the client’s return on investment (ROI). These micro-surveys generate over 500,000 clicks per day. Each click is appended to the opt-in subscriber’s profile to show the category of the offer, which has grabbed the subscriber’s attention. Since the email subscriber’s buying habits and behavior are regularly being observed, it enables us to optimize the campaign performance and target subscribers in the database whom have shown specific buying habits relevant to each campaign.

When tailoring an email campaign for a client, we evaluate several factors such as selecting the right data based on our clients’ unique needs, message and targets. We evaluate each email list by determining its mailing frequency and past performance to optimize overall results. In order to generate new subscribers, the data acquisition team continuously explores new relationships, services and selection capabilities to keep a 240 million+ opt-in records database fresh and responsive.


1. Total Engagement Program: We have developed a three step program that encompasses pre-targeting subscribers by serving direct-to-device banner ads, followed by an email engagement to the same pre-targeted list, and then re-targeting the subscribers, which have opened the initial email through their social media channels or their display/mobile devices to enhance ROI.

2. Trigger Data: The partner websites and networks email marketing tools to transfer data daily through an API encrypted file of “triggers” that are essentially the IP Address, Device ID (if available) and Email (if available) of all the visitors to the websites within their networks along with the pages they have viewed. The encrypted API file is then matched against the aggregator’s database and then appended to each subscriber’s opt-in record. The trigger data is used to verify intent-to-purchase, allowing us to focus on interested members.

3. Real-Time Tracking dashboard: We offer a 24/7 login to view and download performance reporting. Our clients benefit from total transparency of delivery.

4. Performance Averages: On average, our data performs at a 12-18% open rate with a click-through rate of 1-2.5% of the total emails sent.

5. Match Back Analysis: This service is available and is the most effective way to realize a return on investment.

Campus Circle's creative team can build campaigns utilizing email marketing templates or customize an email for a successful campaign.  If you are interested in using our marketing services, contact Sean Bello, an email marketing manager with over 29 years in service.  Sean can be reached at or at (323) 823.8548.