Picking a career can be difficult, especially when you don’t know what you want to do. Lack of self-awareness can cause you to choose the wrong career, resulting in poor performance, no work satisfaction, stress and anxiety, reduced confidence, and lack of motivation. Understanding your perspectives, beliefs, and values can help guide you through the right career path.

Choosing a career you love and enjoy makes you more productive, successful, healthier, and happier. The perfect career choice enhances your professional and personal relationships, makes you a better role model and ensures you're living a life that counts. Here are six factors to consider when choosing a career.

Education requirements

Education is a key requirement for most careers. You can enhance your skills and remain competitive with the right training and education. It's also the best, if not the only, way to advance your career. Education equips you with practical knowledge and skills you can implement in your work.

Through school, you can build your soft skills, including teamwork, communication, problem-solving, and critical thinking, which can come in handy in your career. It also boosts your confidence and helps develop your social network. With the proper education from a credible institution such as the American International College, you can grow your knowledge and skills in preparation for your future career.

Job availability and security

Choosing the wrong career can leave you jobless for years. So, consider researching when choosing a profession to determine the in-demand jobs. And while technological advancements are meant to improve and simplify lives, they could threaten your career, compromising job security. This is why you should avoid careers in which technology and machines can replace you in the future. Before choosing your desired career, research available openings to make an informed choice.

Your interests

Selecting a career path based on interests may lead to professional success and personal satisfaction. Delving into a career path that aligns with your interests motivates you to remain committed regardless of how difficult things get or how distant its rewards seem to be. Doing what you love brings you happiness, pushes you to get up every morning to work, and motivates you to further your knowledge and skills while staying engaged, helping you meet continued success and high work standards.

Your company will benefit more if your interest in your work is genuine. Additionally, if you enjoy your work, you'll most likely see things from different angles and bring new ideas to the table. Career interests are often closely aligned with your strengths. So going for a career that utilizes your best skills helps avoid situations where working hard leads to frustrations. Also, if your career and interests are in sync, you will likely be more innovative.

Work-life balance

While a successful career is essential, maintaining a healthy balance between your personal life and work is just as important. While some jobs may give you the work-life balance you desire, others might not. Lack of work-life balance may cause stress, irritability, and anxiety. Based on your goals, social or family commitments, and life stage, choose a career that helps you maintain a healthy work-life balance.

This will result in improved overall well-being and health, increased productivity, stronger relationships, excellent work enjoyment, more success in attaining goals, and improved personal development. When choosing a career path that supports work-life balance, consider flexible working hours, off days, remote work options, and more.

Growth and development scope

When planning your career, you don't want to remain stagnant. You want a job that offers opportunities for growth and development. Consider whether you'll advance in your career or will likely meet a dead end over time. While some careers offer restricted upward mobility, others have many advancement opportunities. For instance, an entry-level role in a corporate environment gives you the potential to climb the ladder into managerial positions.

On the contrary, hourly wage-based jobs usually have little to no room for growth. When looking for a career to venture into, consider the potential career path’s growth and development scope. This will help you determine where you’ll be in five or ten years in your career.

Your long-term goals

Aligning your career with your goals impacts your performance, job satisfaction, and overall well-being. When your career path and long-term goals or purpose are in sync, you become more engaged at work, challenges are easier to overcome, and personal and professional growth comes naturally. Choose a career path that fits into your dreams and objectives. When setting your career goals, ensure they’re specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and time-bound.


Being in the right job makes you more productive, happier, healthier, satisfied, and successful. Consider these factors when choosing a career.