I know you've got quite a few tattoos. If you were to design one to go along with Saturday Night Wrist , what would it look like?

It would be an erotic picture of a woman, kind of like the one on the CD cover which has got the whole Varga feel to it.

Can you explain the CD's title?

Saturday Night Wrist is the laymen medical term for when you drink too much and sleep on your hand all night. You wake up and you can't feel your hand for a couple of days. What's your best hangover cure?

People always say holistic things, like cut a lemon and squeeze the juice in your armpits, but I usually just have a Bloody Mary.

I think that's the best way – to just not stop drinking in the first place! “Cherry Waves” is one of my favorite songs on the album.

It's a stripper hit. You know that?

Oh, great. Well, it's definitely one of my favorites. Is there one that's particularly special to you?

Right now, I like “Rats! Rats! Rats!” because it's one of the heaviest songs we've ever written. Playing it is cool.

Have any of you ever documented one of your tours with a photo journal?

I've kept a journal on and off since '94. I've just started accompanying it with pictures of like weird graffiti, bums in different cities, architecturally striking buildings.

Besides writing in your journal, what else do you do to unwind on tour?

I'm a voracious reader – I like period stuff, dark stuff, Bukowski, Hunter S. Thompson. My favorite is The People of Paper by Salvador Plascencia. It's unreal.

Have you read any Tom Robbins?

He is life changing! There's another writer that's like a Japanese Robbins, Murakami. I love Japan.

I will definitely check him out. It would be cool to live in Japan for a few years. Do you still live in NorCal?

Chino and Stephen live in Los Angeles. The other ones, we're trying to hold fast.

Do you have any bands from up there that you want people to know about?

I don't listen to music except for alternative country. But, the band on tour with us now, Deadsy, is really underrated. dredg is also terribly underrated.

Alt-country bands are so fun to watch in dive bars.

I haven't had the chance, but it's ahead of me. I've just been on the road for so long.

I'm sure you'll be out there for at least another year, too. Be safe! OK, thanks, and don't forget to read Murakami!

Saturday Night Wrist is currently available. Deftones will perform Nov. 9 & 10 at the Avalon, in Hollywood. For more information, visit www.deftones.com.