When you’ve been rebelling against the system and giving your finger to authority for most of your life, as Jim Lindberg has, raising children to be disciplined and obedient may seem like a conflict of interest. For the Pennywise frontman, whose duel roles include father by day, rocker by night, it’s a balancing act, full of mishaps and awkward moments that he’s still figuring out.

Punk Rock Dad takes a humorous peek into the daily life of this punk rock veteran, and all the trials and tribulations that come with raising three daughters and managing a successful music career. From mosh pits, to breast pumps, to Warped Tour and PTA meetings, Lindberg offers something for everyone – fathers, daughters and fans of Pennywise – to enjoy.

Some may look up to Lindberg and envy his rock star lifestyle, but what you get here is an honest and real portrayal of how having children evens everything out.

Grade: B

Punk Rock Dad is currently available.