While Capcom is still holding out on “Resident Evil 5,” they have at least given us some fresh zombie-killing love. As the title implies, “Resident Evil: The Umbrella Chronicles” follows the evolution of the evil Umbrella Corporation by letting you play through scenarios from every “Resident Evil” title from 0 through 3.

Unlike previous titles, this game puts you on rails, playing more like “House of the Dead.” Running and hiding is replaced by a simple point and shoot interface, admittedly softening some of the horror but definitely emphasizing survival as waves of undead baddies swarm. Likewise, bullets are in greater supply but expect to still be cursing empty chambers while dodging tentacles.

The game is fairly short, but the steep difficulty curve, weapon upgrade system and unlockables give the levels some real replay. Plus, of course, the opportunity to play as Wesker should be a joy for fans of the series.

Grade: A-

“Resident Evil: The Umbrella Chronicles” is currently available.