Los Angeles is the home of all things fitness: stripper aerobics, turbo kickboxing, cardio salsa, and the best of them yet … boot camp! If you thought your gym’s boot camp was tough, here’s the real deal.

Run by a major and a lieutenant, Boot Camp LA is an outdoor fitness class that takes place at the George C. Page Park on mid-Wilshire (where the La Brea Tar Pits are located). “The Major,” Jay Kerwin, has an impressive background in the USAF Special Operations, as well as in various competitive athletics. The Major was one of seven out of 500 recruits who completed the USAF program.

Always by his side is “The Lieutenant,” the Major’s wife, Marcella Kerwin. The Lieutenant is not only a remarkable athlete herself, but a fitness and nutrition expert who provides personal and group nutrition counseling throughout the course of the class.

The Major changes his workouts on a daily basis to ensure that no one gets bored. He designs his workouts by utilizing demanding yet fun military drills and exploiting the naturally challenging landscape of the park.

“You don’t have to be in shape to come to Boot Camp LA,” says the Major. “In fact most people that come to Boot Camp are there to get back in shape. So whether you are the person that skipped out of gym class or the former high school quarterback, Boot Camp LA is guaranteed to get you back in shape and prove you can have fun while doing it.”

Not only do the Major and Lieutenant enjoy helping people live a healthier and more fulfilling life, they also help out in the community by aiding in organizing runs and walks to benefit schools with financial needs.

For more information, call (323) 938-6179 or visit www.bootcampla.com.