What a difference a year makes – or in this case, two. David Kosten (aka Faultline) originally recorded this album a couple years back to great reviews like "sublime" and "devastating," but through the usual blah-blah-blah of label politics and bad luck, it sank without a trace.

Now, with some tracks added and some taken away, the album resurfaces again on Capitol Records, with two of the tracks featuring Kosten’s mate Chris Martin on vocals. Martin was happy to help out at the time, and contributed to "Where Is My Boy" – a standout track on the album. (Martin then went to work on A Rush of Blood to the Head, and now, two years later, he’s married to Gwyneth Paltrow and father to Apple Martin.)

The Flaming Lips and a nearly silent and unrecognizable Michael Stipe are also featured, as is cult singer Joseph Arthur, who digs deep for an evocative and moving version of The Rolling Stones’ "Wild Horses."

Although the atmospheric electronica of Faultline kicks the cans ("Clocks") and is also effective when it takes a downbeat turn ("Lost Broadcast"), it’s the tracks with vocals that work the best – and the other guest singers are just as good. What a difference a year makes, indeed.

Grade: B