Nation’s Largest University Just Got Bigger

If you’re a UCLA student, expect your campus to get a little more crunched. The University of California, in all locations, has decided to admit all prospective students who meet their eligibility requirements.

The state government has proposed a budget $417 million below the amount advised by the university’s Board of Regents, so this will also affect various other services provided on campus, including, but not limited to: class sizes, student fees and employee workforce reductions. The state institution has until the start of the fall 2008 semester to find a way to make it work.

USC Puts Marines Back to Work

James Egan, a professor of screenwriting at the USC School of Cinematic Arts, was recently interviewed on “The Today Show” about a program he started which aims to put cameras in the hands of wounded Marine Corps veterans. The classes last right up until Easter, but that’s not the end for Egan, who plans to make the story of the marines into a documentary film tentatively titled Forget-Me-Not.

Thefts Abound on City Campuses

KNBC news reported recently that the Los Angeles Police Department quotes the increase of burglaries on the USC campus as four-fold in the past year. The university’s security measures, the police report, are enough to protect students from theft if the students don’t open themselves up to potential crime by propping open automatically locking doors and leaving their rooms unlocked and unattended, to name a few instances. The Department of Public Safety for USC is available for any questions at (213) 740-6000.

Things are more specialized on UCLA’s campus, with robbers targeting individuals carrying iPods or cell phones who are walking unaccompanied on the west side of campus. There have been eight reported crimes of that sort since Nov. 11 and four within the last two weeks of February, so the university police have advised individuals susceptible to this to remain alert at all times and to use the police escort service available by calling (310) 794-WALK.

LMU Mailroom Not to Blame

The LMU mailroom’s been slow recently, and its workers have been accused of theft, so an inspector, Jeffrey Hayes from the U.S. Postal Service, was asked to come out and investigate. Hayes found nothing wrong with the way the mailroom is run, and even commended them for their policies to ensure the mail reaches its proper recipient under their care. The mailroom’s managers believe misdirected mail may be the culprit, citing how common it is for a mistake to occur on shipping address barcode while at the Post Office.