Christian spirituality is a difficult subject for many people. Many have reduced Christians to annoying Bible-thumping citizens of the Deep South. Others associate Christianity with prejudice against the homosexual community. Amidst a vast amount of diverging opinions, though, author Christian George was able to articulate the Christian faith both from an academic and a personal perspective.

Sex, Sushi & Salvation is a collection of profound anecdotes on the experiences of a Christian man. From heartbreaking conversations with a Russian prostitute to chronicles of European travels, the book comes from a place of sincerity. George is utterly convinced that his beliefs are sufficient to change not only a single person’s life but the whole world.

Believing in the Christian religion or not is not the primary question of this book. Rather, in the richness and seriousness that permeate this collection of thoughts, there’s a perceived desire for dialogue.

Religions of this world have been clashing for centuries on an ideological level, yet in his latest book, George writes of his own intimate experiences. This is a deeply personal (if at times a little repetitive) book that’s useful for anyone seeking truth.

Grade: A-

Sex, Sushi & Salvation is currently available.