Oy vey. That’s all you can say when you’re at Harry Boychick’s bar mitzvah.

The family greets you as you walk through the door while crazy relatives parade around the foyer taking pictures. When you make your way into the sanctuary, the Rabbi wishes everyone a hearty “Shabbat Shalom” and the bar mitzvah boy leads the quick service – complete with teenage voice cracks and all. But much like an actual b’nai mitzvah, the real excitement takes place during the party, which includes a cash bar, free meal, a goofball DJ, dancers and typical bar mitzvah songs and games.

“The Boychick Affair: The Bar Mitzvah of Harry Boychick” is part of a genre of interactive theater, where actors directly interact with members of the audience. You get to know the outrageous extended family so well that you leave the show thinking your family may actually be “normal.” It adds that certain craziness that only a true Jewish family can provide.

The Hayworth Theatre is located at 2511 Wilshire Blvd. For more information, visit www.boychickaffair.com.