Like a smarter, less sexy and less glamorous version of “Sex and the City,” Meg Wolitzer’s latest novel, The Ten-Year Nap, focuses on four New York women trying to reconcile their present lives as homemakers with their past lives as tough career women.

Taking a page from newspaper headlines about the struggles of modern feminism, Wolitzer writes in a factual and up-to-the-moment urgency about issues that plague all women but have yet to be thoroughly explored. In a post-feminist world where women are supposed to want it all and have it all, the breadth of choice can end up feeling oppressive and more difficult to navigate than freedom from choice – the oxymoron of modern life.

Wolitzer’s keen observations and dark humor help us reconcile the idea that having some, instead of having it all, just might be enough.

Grade A

The Ten-Year Nap is currently available.