This is the first collection in the Jessica Farm series, an ambitious life-spanning project planned by creator Josh Simmons. Starting in January 2000, Simmons drew one page every month and will continue to do so for the next 42 years, publishing a 96-page collection every eight years. The entire 600 page story will be completed in 2050.

Jessica Farm lives in a house populated by fantastical Carroll-esque characters. In fact, the house itself is a bit of a Wonderland, with hidden passages and staircases leading to unexpected, frightening and surreal places. Jessica’s exploration of the house reflects her fragile psyche, alluding to something perhaps sinister in her life.

Done in an inked cross-hatching style, the illustrations are detailed and imaginative, but you can’t help being distracted by the very gimmicky concept of the series itself as you wonder: this took a month? It’s an original and promising work. It’s just too bad it has to take so long to complete.

Grade: B+

Jessica Farm is currently available.