With rules such as “networking with FOF’s (Friends of Friends),” “pimping your personality” and “embracing the bling,” authors Hillary Stamm and Peter Nowalk offer interesting chapters and insider guidelines on working for HPPs – that’s Hollywood Power Players. Serving up simple ideas on how to make it in the industry, they also include multiple choice Tinseltown Tests to gauge your understanding of each segment.

“It’s common knowledge that many folks in Hollywood lie about their net worth and degree of power,” claim the authors in Rule No. 54, “so fake it till you make it for a successful Hollywood career requires just a bit of hyperbole.”

Quirky and quintessential, it’s packed with practical tips and rules (No. 37: Please don’t touch the celebrities.), industry secrets, tons of humor and plenty of solid advice essential for all Hollywood hopefuls.

Grade: A

The Hollywood Assistants Handbook is currently available.