Everyone loves a bar. Well, us normal folks that is. All you pompous hipsters need not apply. This column will not focus on trendy clubs or dance parties. There will be no ’80s nights. There will be no Space Mountain-caliber lines required to enter. Instead, we shall focus on the main goal of the average bar: to share drinks among friends.

The first bar we will be taking a look at is located in the beach bubble of Playa del Rey, Prince of Whales, the definitive hole in the wall. “P-O-Dubbs,” as locals lovingly call it, is the quintessential antithesis to the stereotypical L.A. drinking establishment. The drinks, while surprisingly expensive for such a divey saloon, are stiff enough to power your Chevy Suburban and match the general theme of the bar – faux cowboy American decadence.

From the jam of country western bands, which take to the modestly sized stage every Friday and Saturday, to the am-I-sitting-in-a-log-cabin architectural motif, this place looks like it was born and raised in the dirty south instead of three blocks away from the beach. The bar boasts a healthy selection of liquor but a below-average collection of draft beer.

Stick with some whisky or a tasty Black and Tan, though a classic Budweiser on draft compliments the bar’s theme quite well. Be sure to snack some of their mighty tasty French fries while grooving to the music.

This isn’t a place to meet women, so make it a boys night out unless you fancy yourself some over-age and under par cougar hunting. Furthermore, don’t bother coming out to Prince of Whales unless it’s a Friday or Saturday. There’s a highly consistent flow of talented bands that fill the bar with excellent tunes during the weekend and, thankfully, there’s never a cover charge.

Prince of Whales is an excellent place to escape from the hustle and bustle that is Los Angeles and spend some quality time with friends in a venue that does not fancy seizure inducing strobe lights and Euro pop music.

Grades – Draft Selection: C; Liquor Selection: B; Price: C; Atmosphere: B+; Entertainment/Music: B+; Food: B. For more information, visit www.princeowhales.com.