Of course there aren’t really any accidental rhythms to be found on this mix, but beat inspiration does come from a very interesting place on opening track “Knock Out.” The song by the Shoes makes many boxing references lyrically, talking about spit, sweat and blood and name-checking Cassius Clay (Muhammad Ali) and promoter Don King. But it’s the beat that provides the real in-the-ring action by pummeling the midsection with a flurry that’ll get the whole body shaking.

Lots of the other artists here tune into dance grooves that sound like disco-era Bee Gees mashed-up with Prince; Hey Willpower, Grovesnor and Casxio all offer syrupy dance-pop numbers in this style. There’s some Europop here, too; the catchy “Practical Money Skills for Life” by German group Oh No Ono. Buddy, the Twelves, the Morning Benders, Theatre of Disco, Bran Van 3000 and L.A.’s Love Grenades also contribute.

Grade: B

Accidental Rhythm (Mix One) is currently available.