Karaoke night is an essential element of any dive bar. It is usually utilized as a tool of the off night, a way to bring in all sorts of closet rock stars dying to bust out their vocal chords with the aide of your friendly neighbor alcohol. The Shack, located in lovely Playa del Rey, tells a tale of karaoke night unlike any other.

While the Shack may be small in size, it more than admirably makes up for this in character. The place has been around for many moons and looks the part.

The infamous Shack Burger, whose trademark Louisiana spicy sausage sits aboard what was already a topnotch burger, borders the line between unhealthy and unethical, but remains utterly delicious. The beer is cheap and the women are loose. All of which combine to create a fabulous venue for a night of rowdy ’yoking.

With a $6 pitcher of Bud in hand and a Shack Burger in my belly, I sat, smile on face, watching Terry, the Shack’s own Johnny Cash, sing tunes that made me wonder why they didn’t hire this guy to replace Joaquin Phoenix in Walk the Line. Those looking to try and give Terry a run for his money are encouraged to check out the venue on Wednesdays or Fridays, and the debate for which is the better night is futile.

The crowd is an always-enjoyable mix of 20-somethings, fake ID college folk and old, drunken locals, the latter of which tend to be rather frisky with the younger ladies so save your miniskirt for the fraternity exchange. Regardless of your singing ability; the outrageously fun vibe, friendly crowd and cheap drinks continually make me praise the Shack as one of L.A.’s best-kept secrets. Terry and I’ll be there, what are you doing this Wednesday?

Grades – Draft Selection: B; Liquor Selection: B; Price: A-; Atmosphere: B+; Entertainment/Music: B+; Food: A.

For more information, call (310) 823-6222.

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