Considering the recent popularity surge in indie rock bands, it’s getting harder for even the established rockers to stand out. New albums must not only rock, but they have to have a little extra something to gain any staying power.

To this end, Midwestern rockers Koufax are back and bringing a new, jazzier take on indie rock with their latest album, Strugglers. The album starts out with a wailing saxophone that soon merges into the almost decade-old band’s trademark sound. The album slowly tones down the jazz sound with “What I’m Saying,” giving fans a more traditional sound, before ramping back into the catchy sax-driven conclusion in “California Taught Us Well.”

Ultimately, while this album may be a bit of a different sound than their last, Hard Times Are in Fashion, fans will quickly discover much of what they fell in love with in Strugglers, and new listeners will have quite a few reasons to fall for the band, too.

Grade: A-

Strugglers is currently available.