The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Study Skills


As much as I hate to admit it, finals are coming, and as usual, I’m starting to freak out about studying. But after reading The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Study Skills, I feel a bit better about those daunting study days.

With chapters like “Class Preparation and Note Taking” and “Finding Your Learning Style,” this will be your guide to survival through the craziness that studying can bring. It’s filled with advice for time management, study suggestions and testing techniques that will make you feel instantly more prepared before you have even started making those flash cards for biology.

Grade: B

The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Study Skills is currently available.

Quick Guide to College Majors and Careers

(Jist Works)

Choosing your major or minor in college can be tricky when presented with more possibilities than you can even comprehend. But the Quick Guide to College Majors and Careers can help shed some light on your struggle.

It helps you find out what majors and careers might suit you best by helping you realize your interests and skills, then suggesting some possible majors. Once you’ve done that, there are pages full of potential ideas of what to do with your life, from elementary education to computer engineering.

So don’t panic! Sit down with this book and let it help you with your major decisions.

Grade: B

Quick Guide to College Majors and Careers is currently available.