An all-encompassing guide by Madeline DiMaggio, How to Write for Television provides a variety of information for the would-be scribe. Divided into 16 distinct sections, DiMaggio’s book covers both sitcom and drama writing, as well as providing tips for cable and movie of the week scripts.

With concrete examples from popular works, like “Newhart” and “Starsky & Hutch,” DiMaggio demonstrates how to make a scene work and a character compelling. Putting great emphasis on structure, DiMaggio helpfully diagrams out the different forms present in television, differentiating between the formats for half hour, hour and two hour projects.

Finally, How to Write for Television finishes with advice on what to do once you are done writing – from Internet marketing techniques to getting an agent. Overall, DiMaggio’s how-to guide covers all the bases.

Grade: A

How to Write for Television is currently available.