UCLA Receives More Applicants than Ever

UCLA receives more applicants from potential freshmen than any other university in the nation, and for Fall 2009 they will have to sort through over 55,000 fresh hopefuls, all with solid academic records, even more so than in previous years. So cherish that education y’all, it’s a competitive world out there.

“My Children, My Africa”

LMU’s production of Athol Fugard’s “My Children, My Africa” begins Feb. 5. The play is the tale of South African apartheid and how it tears apart the lives of a teacher and two students. See what LMU brings to the table in portraying this lyrical story in honor of Black History Month. Contact the Central Ticket Office at (310) 338-7588 for tickets.

Sundance Documentary Program

If you missed out on the party circuit at Sundance this year, at least drop by UCLA Feb. 10 from 7 p.m.-9 p.m. for a glimpse of what the Sundance Documentary Program is up to, with a screening of Women in Shroud. This film was produced with the help of the Sundance Institute Documentary Film Program and follows a group of Iranian lawyers and activists devoted to stopping the injustice of the death penalty in countries like Tehran.

The evening is free and open to the public and also includes a screening of Erin Cosgrave’s They Always Say That Time Changes Things….

Master Musicians of Jajouka

See a group hailed by Mick Jagger as “one of the most musically inspiring groups in the world” at UCLA’s Royce Hall Feb. 6. The Master Musicians of Jajouka hail from a small Moroccan mountain village and perform enthralling, trance-inducing music that originated thousands of years ago.

They were discovered by William Burroughs in the ’50s and brought to the Western world’s attention by Rolling Stones’ guitarist Brian Jones. Check them out for yourself for $15 for UCLA students, $26 otherwise.

The Best Lover in Los Angeles

Hollywood’s Loveology University, run by renowned love expert Dr. Ava Cadell, is seeking the best lover in Los Angeles. Yep, you heard right; they’re going to designate one lucky person as having the best moves.

The winner of this contest will receive a $1,000 cash prize or a $2,000 scholarship to Loveology University, where they can improve their game in dating, relationships, sex and more. To enter, submit a short essay (500 words or less) about why your lover is the best.

You can submit online at loveologyuniversity.com by Feb. 12; the winner will be announced Feb. 13. Everyone who submits an entry receives a free “Loveology certificate” marking their lover as the best. Valentine’s gift anyone?