Otis Designs for the Obamas

Two Otis students are shaping the aesthetic of the Presidential family. Otis alumnus Michael Smith, known for mixing comfort and sophistication, will interior decorate for the White House. Isabel Toledo, mentor to Otis fashion design students, designed the dress worn by Michelle to the inauguration and parade.

Juicy Campus Slandering Students No More

That’s right, the Mean Girls’ “burn book” of the Web – Juicycampus.com – is no longer available, but not because of its questionable ethics. The site shut down due to the “tough economy,” according to founder Matt Ivester.

He says despite strong traffic the site’s “exponential growth” outpaced their ability to keep up.

“I’m just happy to have survived the site’s reign with my reputation intact (at least to my knowledge),” he says.

Harvard Wants to Pay Your Tuition

Harvard University has announced that students of low-income families will not need to pay tuition. A family with an income of less than $60,000/year with a graduating high school honors student is eligible for a free ride.

Harvard president Lawrence H. Summers says, “We are not doing enough in bringing elite higher education to the lower half of the income distribution.” Now if only every other university followed his advice…

Mayor Villaraigosa: My Site is Your Site

You may have already been friended by our Internet-savvy mayor on Facebook, MySpace and Twitter, but he also wants you to log onto his new campaign site, AntonioForLa.com. With the slogan “bringing people together, getting things done,” the site is meant to give Angelenos the tools to “build this campaign from the ground up” and to communicate with our city’s leaders.

You can sign up to volunteer with the campaign, read and respond to blog posts by Villaraigosa and Media Director Daniel Lopez and download an internship application.

“Los Angeles I Owe You”

Based on the compilation films Paris Je t’aime and New York, I Love you, L.A. Film Project gives Angelenos the opportunity to submit their own short films to be combined with others to make a unique feature film. The film shorts should be five minutes long and explain what you owe to Los Angeles.

A jury will choose the best 20 shorts, and they will be combined into one film and sold and distributed, so every contestant has the opportunity to earn revenues, a total of up to $60,000. So what do you owe our fair city? Love, hate or something in between?

For rules and submission details, visit lafilmproject.com. The deadline is July 18.

Just in Case Condom Case

Ladies, be safe and chic! Try this cute compact with a mirror and a hidden compartment with two condoms. Visit justincaseinc.com.