With graduation looming and an economy that’ll keep you up at night, the last question any college senior wants to hear is, “So, what are your plans for next year?” While it may sound tempting, chances are most of us will not escape to the beaches of Hawaii or Fiji and live out a life of stress-free, work-free bliss. But thanks to Ellen Gordon Reeves, author of the new guide Can I Wear My Nose Ring to the Interview?, we can at least get a little bit of guidance and that extra push of confidence needed to head into the job hunt.

The advice in her book may seem obvious at first, like network, write a fantastic cover letter or dress to impress, but she tackles these problems from a fresh perspective and offers honest answers to even our nit-pickiest dilemmas. I personally found the “Getting Through the Interview” section most helpful and learned a thing or two about how to answer those deceivingly easy questions that are posed just to trick you.

Whether you already think you’ve got the goods or are frantically attempting to join the five-year plan at school, Can I Wear My Nose Ring to the Interview? has something in its pages to make you breathe easier as you enter that dreaded real world.

Grade: A-

Can I Wear My Nose Ring to the Interview? is currently available.