“The Something-Nothing” is a comedy that’s less than perfect but looking desperately for perfection. Liza, played by Annika Marks, is a pretty girl looking for love. Sam (Kevin Hoffer) is a self-absorbed hunk. Luna (Jenica Bergere) is a hard-drinking, foul-mouthed slut sharing Liza’s West Village, N.Y. apartment and generally screwing up her life.

Liza meets Sam in their writing group and falls for him. Seems every time they get together, they argue. Little do they realize that Luna is keeping them from any kind of relationship consummation.

“The Something-Nothing” strives to be hip, slick ’n’ cool with snappy dialogue, much of which is swallowed by the actors. The play is sexy and crisp enough, though.

The Lounge Theatre is located at 6201 Santa Monica Blvd., Los Angeles. For more information, visit Plays411.com/somethingnothing.