Perhaps it’s just me but is anyone else livid over the lack of Michael Jackson death coverage? Between the round the clock CNN reports, the BET tributes, the Web sites, the blogs, the nonstop Facebook and Twitter chatter and countless candlelight vigils, I’m starting to feel that the King of Pop’s untimely death has been vastly overlooked.

I was expecting a groundswell of support from both fans and foes. A nationwide ticker tape parade spanning every hill, peak and valley would have done him justice. Enormous Jackson floats perched high atop every major American city, even the small towns I’ll never in a million years visit, would not have bothered me.

I would have even tolerated a minor wave of mass hysteria, as long as my tiny apartment was deemed off limits; but no looting, not even a single fire in his honor. It seems as if people only riot nowadays when a sports team wins some inconsequential “pennant” or “bowl.”

Now I’m not here to pass judgment, but the moment his death was announced I became so overwhelmed with emotion that I bricked my neighbor’s window, all while cursing the heavens for taking him away from us. I only wish others could have been so bold.

Upon hearing of his death I felt obligated to pay my respects. I must have passed Jackson’s star on the Walk of Fame hundreds of times, never giving it a second glance, but on this particular day I gravitated towards it.

How American of me to sit there, along with hundreds of other well wishers, and grieve over the loss of someone I knew only through television and CDs. Never before have I felt that patriotic.

But the moment was fleeting. The Michael Jackson we were mourning was not the porcelain-skinned singer of “Rock With You” and “Beat It,” but the Los Angeles based radio talk show host. The deceased Michael Jackson’s star was blocked off due to a film premiere at Grauman’s Chinese Theatre. How can I continue, knowing that the death of Jacko, MJ, His King of Popiness, was being largely overshadowed by the life of some third rate disc jockey? It was a tragic conclusion to a tragic day.

Of course only a fool would believe the uproar over Michael Jackson’s death had not greatly exceeded everyone’s expectations. He did, after all, create a little known album called Thriller (maybe you’ve heard of it?). Of course I, like everyone else, imitated his moonwalk as a boy and still have friends who under the right intoxicants will make fools out of themselves to the tune of “Billie Jean.”

There’s no doubt in anyone’s mind that he impacted the cultural landscape like only few before him, transcending the barriers of both race and popular music. But Michael Jackson was human, and he had his faults just like anyone else. He was not a god dressed in red leather and a sequined glove. He was merely a man. At least I think…