The new collection by Jason features five new stories from the Norwegian creator. Jason’s blend of understated pathos, deadpan humor and Hollywood genres is uniquely his own. While his blank-stared anthropomorphic characters are just as distinctive.

The title story takes place in a modern day Old West town where high stakes chess showdowns replace gunfights. “You Are Here,” is a devastating look at the disintegration of two generations of relationships, focusing on a father and his son, who have to deal with the alien abduction of the mother, while the boy grows up only to repeat the father’s mistakes. But the high point of the collection is “&,” a look at two men and the lengths they go to win the affections of their loves.

Jason lulls you subtly into heartbreak while keeping you on your toes with bursts of absurd humor. He is one of the most original graphic storytellers in the world.

Grade: A-

Low Moon is currently available.