Though A Date You Can’t Refuse is no Graham Greene novel, the mystery-thriller by Harley Jane Kozak is a light, quick, easy read that maintains intriguing characters and steady plot development.

The fourth book in the series follows Wollie Shelley, a young female lead who takes a high-paying job as a social coach at MediaRex. She is to teach foreign celebrities how to assimilate into the Beverly Hills lifestyle, to improve their English and to make them red carpet-ready.

However, Wollie is also working for the FBI, who suspect wrongdoing from the company’s Eastern European officials. When people start turning up dead, Wollie must hone her spy abilities and decide for herself who she can trust.

Kozak’s book keeps you guessing throughout the 200-plus page journey that takes readers across Los Angeles.

Grade: B

A Date You Can’t Refuse is currently available.