This collaboration between 10 different artists, including Madi Diaz, K.S Rhoads, Trent Dabbs, Sarah Siskind and Jedd Hughes, is joyous and breezy but also very relaxed. The mood is consistently mellow; however, every artist has something different to offer. They all have a very distinct and unfamiliar sound.

Kyle Andrews’ “Sushi” is a bubbly, electro-pop number, while Mikki Ekko’s “It’s Only You” takes creative risks, reminiscent of M83, involving intriguing harmonica and back-up choir pieces. The track that truly captured my attention was Andrew Belle’s duo with Katie Herzig, “Static Waves.” With guitar accompaniment similar to a bright Sufjan Stevens and vocal duets similar to Stars, I was instantly hooked.

This is not your typical mix of musicians; this is not NOW 123. It’s an interesting, peculiar, unique, experimental album that is definitely worth your time.

Grade: B

Ten Out of Tenn Volume 3 is currently available.