Guess what TV show featuring four women with a huge gay following is finally getting its first West Coast send-up? You see, before Carrie and Co. in “Sex and the City,” there was Blanche and Co. in “The Golden Girls.” What’s hard to believe is that this is only the second drag production in the country, after NYC, of the popular AARP sitcom.

In “The Golden Gays,” four men each have trouble differentiating their own lives from their “Golden Girls” alter egos. Their therapist, with identity issues of his own, decides the best way to correct the problem is to have everyone live as “The Golden Girls” in a Being John Malkovich meta-way.

As with any good sitcom, hilarity, hijinks and sexual innuendos ensue, taking the audience on a gender-bending nostalgia trip. Also, Oct. 1-18 @ The Complex.

The Cavern Club Theater is located at 1920 Hyperion Ave., Silverlake. For more information, visit