“Puzzle Quest” offers up an RPG game with a twist – everything you do is based on the game “Bejeweled.” No joke.

Fighting, forging and questing are all simulated by playing a turn-based version of the popular gem-swapping puzzle game. This is great if you love “Bejeweled,” but if you're in it for the RPG game, you'll probably start clawing up the furniture once you realize that you're essentially playing the same battles over and over.

It also doesn't help that the game can be ridiculously difficult, especially if you aren't a “Bejeweled” veteran. There is very little in terms of tutorial, and even if you get the rules, the game contains an awkward random element. This is compounded by the eerily well-informed AI that constantly pulls off miraculous chains of matches.

If you can deal with the repetitive battles, the game actually offers some very appealing elements. The music – while also repetitive – does set a “Fantasy” mood, as does the vaguely anime artwork.

More importantly, the game actually gives role-playing options and a variety of weapons and magic that actually affect gameplay. How sad is it that I can't say the same about many traditional RPGs?

Grade: C