UCLA Welcomes Chinese Students for Summer

As China gets ready to kick off the Summer Games, some of their best and brightest students will be hard at work in part of a new program. The Cross-disciplinary Scholars in Science and Technology, or CSST, program allows the Chinese students the chance to work at the university’s high-tech facilities in a 10-week program meant to strengthen ties between the United States and China and to further research in the field of nanotechnology, among other things.

USC Begins “Grammy Camp”

The Thornton School of Music is the host of a “Grammy Camp” on University Park Campus for most of the next two weeks (July 12-26). High school students will get a chance to learn from accomplished professional musicians and producers while they sneak a peak at what might lay before them if they continue down the musician’s career path. George Martin, the legendary Beatles producer, was on hand to help start the festivities at the Grammy Foundation’s annual gala event “Starry Night.”

California Design College Gets New Name

The Art Institute of California – Hollywood, previously the California Design College, has a new name to accompany a planned major facelift for the entertainment school. The Institute will still keep the same focus on visual effects, production design and costume design that it always has, but seeks to broaden its scope to better approach the enormous size of the mainstream movie industry.

The new name also reflects the college’s position as one of the over-40 Art Institutes in North America as well as its helpful location directly on the Los Angeles MetroRail Purple Line. The school seeks to serve as not only a physical connection between Hollywood and the surrounding area, but a career-beneficial one as well.

USC’s University Gateway Breaks Ground on Housing Goal

Construction has begun on the University Gateway housing project that seeks to fill USC’s need to house more students. The university’s goal is to be able to guarantee a student four years of undergraduate housing and one year of graduate housing by 2011.

This past year the school was roughly 7,000 beds short of being able to house all of its undergraduates, but the new housing project, capable of holding an estimated 1,600 beds, will help close the gap. Construction of the University Gateway had been in limbo before USC and developer Urban Partners had settled a standing lawsuit with Conquest Student Housing this January.