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Member Since: 11/3/2007
10 Recent Member Comments

sunflower wrote about Film Screenings:
You must be logged in to leave a comment. Hello Kathy Grady post ur email address & I'll foward u da passes!!
Posted: 11:21am | 9/8/2009

sunflower wrote about Film Screenings:
I got passes to Paris in NYC anyone want them send me ur email!
Posted: 8:08am | 9/5/2009

sunflower wrote about Film Screenings:
the Extract Screening was terribly OVER Booked!! whats up with that I was more than an hour early and there were at least 80 people in front of me who didn't make it in either!! I was so dissapointed
Posted: 11:05am | 9/2/2009

sunflower wrote about News: Share your thoughts about Michael Jackson with us.:
I grew up listening ti Michael's music. He is a true legend and will be missed! And as for all the negative stuff surrounding Michael in his last yrs. I pay no mind to it & choose to focus on the positive influence he gave many musicians.I am one of the lucky ones who won a ticket for his memorial service. I plan on taking my son, to expirence this once in a lifetime event.
Posted: 5:57am | 7/7/2009

sunflower wrote about the Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen Film Screening:
I agree I dont like this having to win tix NOW!!!!!
Posted: 6:13am | 6/17/2009

sunflower wrote about the Year One Film Screening:
this sucks I reallly wanted tix maybe next time :(
Posted: 6:27am | 6/16/2009

sunflower wrote about the Year One Film Screening:
has anyone gotten their tix to this movie yet???? I really hope I get them! I want to go for my birthday!!!
Posted: 6:37pm | 6/15/2009

sunflower wrote about the Public Enemies LA Film Screening:
johnny depp is soooooo HOT!!!! gotta see it! I'll be waiting to see if I win passes!
Posted: 12:42pm | 6/11/2009

sunflower wrote about the Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen Film Screening:
OMG!!!!! I loved the first one can't wait to see this one!!!! I really hope I get tix!!!
Posted: 6:50am | 6/11/2009

sunflower wrote about the Year One Film Screening:
i really hope I get tix!!! It would be a great way to start celebrating my birthday!!!!! Previews look great!
Posted: 7:19pm | 6/10/2009
