Coheed and Cambria are in the vanguard of bands that are leading the charge "back" to a progressive sound; generally meaning that their songs don’t follow a typical verse/chorus/verse structure. Ample demonstration comes as the foursome opens the show with "In Keeping Secrets of Silent Earth: 3" and "Delerium Trigger" before launching into one of their most popular radio tunes, "A Favor House Atlantic."

Singer Claudio Sanchez adds to the prog-rock ambience of the song by sounding more than ever like Rush’s singer Geddy Lee, over-accentuating the trembling vocal effect that he is so fond of. While there is not an overabundance of soloing, Sanchez takes opportunities to show off his strength on guitar throughout, riffing machine-gun fast on "Time Consumer" and picking a few notes with his teeth on "Devil in Jersey City."

Sanchez explains that the band didn’t have time to rehearse the show’s closer, "The Light & the Glass," so he does it by himself playing acoustic guitar, which is soaked with his sweat by the time he finishes the lengthy song.

The DVD has a handful of the typical extras and a second disc features the whole show on CD.

Grade: B

Live at the Starland Ballroom is currently available.