Blame the lovely Henry Fonda’s acoustics, but 2Mex and his pals’ beats were slurred along with lyrics lipped too fast — I only caught a couple lines, and one bested the rest of their pseudo-intellectual phrasings. The line "All Anglos and ass" captured the essence of the sold-out show, holding boys with side-swept bangs, girls in hip huggers, and white kids more interested in unisex haircuts and sifting through Urban Outfitters’ sales racks than breaking or head-bobbing.

Eyedea & Abilities hit the stage next, and the floor was crammed with grooving pelvises and raised fists which cleared after their set, and sets in between, only to rush back for Atmosphere. Panties and a bra were tossed onstage, prompting a rebuke from frontman MC Slug: "This is an Atmosphere show, put your clothes back on." That settled that, but remembering the blingin’ KROQ van parked out front, Anglo ass offerings of thongs seemed only a sign of things to come as indie hip-hop goes pop.