One might call it a turning point when the world was introduced to Facebook. The “Like” button (which allows you to "like" someone's photo, status, etc. posted on their page) was the revolution that followed, and the world received a new forum to display satisfaction and acceptance.

However, the opportunities for disapproval are greatly limited. Televangelist Pat Robertson made this clear when he expressed his views on homosexuality by suggesting Facebook adopt a “Vomit” button.

During his show, “The 700 Club” on the Christian Broadcasting Network, Robertson addressed a viewer’s question regarding pictures of homosexual couples on Facebook. His response was quite amusing and pretty sad, given the times we live in. He told the fan, “Well, that makes me want to throw up. To me, I would punch ‘Vomit;’ not ‘Like.’” His colorful comments, although unfortunate, got me really thinking about the content we post on Facebook and the approval we seek from friends.

The “Like” system has taken away from our personal satisfaction. Before we can feel satisfied about a photo we post, for example, we need it to get numerous "likes" first. In today’s society, receiving acceptance for our Facebook posts has become the prime motivator behind many of our actions. Pictures are no longer taken for their sentimental value, but for the slur of pointless comments and “likes” it could potentially receive. 

Certainly, Robertson’s “Vomit” button idea wouldn’t help the cause either, and the idea of one is actually contradictory of Christian beliefs. But even without it being there, the “Vomit” button exists. It’s not done through the click of a mouse; instead, it’s done through everything we choose not to click for.

For more information on Pat Roberston's "Vomit" button comment, click here.

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