With their skintight pants, tattoos, eyeliner and spiked hair, Orange County-based Bullets and Octane are probably not the kind of boys your daddy would approve of. But after tearing through several tracks from their CD, The Revelry, you realize that there is musical talent and substance behind their raucous image.

As guitarists Skye Jayne and Jack Tankersley rip into "Fallen," your heart starts to beat faster to keep up with Ty Smith on the drums and Brent Clawson’s bass lines until it almost stops at the first sight of singer Gene Bullets.

Cigarette dangling from his fingers, mic cord entwined around his arm like a white serpent, Bullets lures the audience in with the lyrics of "Sweet Dreams," holds up his hands and spits water into the air. During "Waste Away," Bullets prowls the stage with an attitude reminiscent of rock gods past but with a slick flair all his own.

BnO’s infectious "Pirates" and "Save Me Sorrow" linger in the head as Kill Radio takes the stage with the in-your-face political commentary of songs like "Ad Jam" and their current single "Do You Know" from their release Raised on Whipped Cream. Kill Radio strives to make their fans think about societal issues while moving them into frenzied action as they throw their fists into the air and sing along onstage.

The passion the quartet has for their fans and their music is evident in their enthusiastic performances, most notably when vocalist Brandon Jordan belts out "Scavenger" – his face turning crimson as veins pop out of his neck. A highlight of KR’s set was when Bullets returned to the stage to help lead the crowd in yelling, "Kill your radio!"