One day after the tragic and sudden shooting of John Lennon outside his New York apartment, Tom Snyder, host of late night TV’s “The Tomorrow Show,” aired John Lennon’s final interview. For those who remember Snyder – the host who often smoked too much, talked too much and wore tacky suits that fit well with this toupee-like hair – he had a way of asking conversational, pointed questions that Lennon answered with intellect and ease, making this interview one for the books.

Originally aired in 1975, Snyder’s interview went beyond Lennon’s persona as the “smart, witty Beatle,” showing a thoughtful, opinionated man whose core was for peace, music and enjoying his life away from the spotlight. With topics ranging from the crazy days of Beatlemania, to the reasons why the Beatles really broke up, to his seven day “Bed-In for Peace” with wife Yoko Ono, Lennon spoke honestly and passionately about his life and experiences.

Rounding out this Beatles lovefest are past interviews with Paul McCartney and Ringo Starr taped in 1979 and 1981. Interesting tidbits include McCartney with wife Linda talking about their first show as Paul McCartney and Wings taking place in a college cafeteria, and Starr quietly professing he is the finest rock drummer of his generation.

Additional packing material includes commentary from music producer Jack Douglas and journalist Lisa Robinson. For the Beatles collector, simply fast forward through these and focus on nostalgic good times with a few former Beatles.

Grade: B-

The Tomorrow Show: John, Paul, Tom & Ringo is currently available.