Resisting calls to drop out for months, Hillary Clinton’s campaign has been tied to the hope that Barack Obama’s bid for the presidency, the first political phenomenon of the new century, would stumble. And by most accounts, stumble it has.

In the wake of Obama’s 10 straight victories in February, Clinton found herself on the wrong end of a small but insurmountable margin of delegates. Subsequent wins in “big states” like Ohio and Pennsylvania did little to narrow that gap.

Then came the Reverend Jeremiah Wright. Obama’s former pastor, who presided over his marriage and baptized his two girls as part of the Trinity United Church of Christ congregation, ignited a maelstrom of controversy, first with his forever-YouTubed comments lambasting America’s treatment of minorities and its conduct around the world and then with his media tour weeks later reiterating his beliefs.

Now, polls show that the public perception of Obama may be shifting. A recent Associated Press-Ipsos poll showed Clinton beating John McCain in a hypothetical match-up 50-41 percent, while Obama runs 46-44 percent in the same match-up.

A CBS/New York Times poll reported 51 percent of Democratic voters believe Obama will be the Democratic nominee, down 18 points from a month ago. Obama’s unfavorable rating among registered voters is also up 10 percent, from 24 percent a month ago to 34 percent.

Clinton has shown her gift for survival during difficult days of the campaign. The time has come for Obama to prove his resiliency as well.