From crowd shots filled with hysterical middle-aged men and 20-something girls in tears, The Space Within Us illustrates how Beatlemania transcends age, race, even space (One song during a tour stop in Anaheim, Calif. was beamed to two astronauts aboard the International Space Station.). The DVD documents Paul McCartney’s 2005 trek across the United States, dubbed the “Us Tour” and the concert footage, captured by 25 hi-def cameras, is stunning – almost better than being at the show watching monitors from the rafters.

Another side of the music legend is shown through his onstage banter, interaction with backstage guests (from diehard fans to, Nicole Kidman, Jay-Z and Beyoncé), interviews with the likes of former President Bill Clinton, Eddie Vedder, Cameron Crowe and Steve Jobs and a peak at McCartney’s childhood home. But most revealing are the clips of Macca reflecting on his life and fame. It’s refreshing how genuinely touched he is that the Beatles’ music continues to mean so much to so many.

Grade: A

The Space Within Us is currently available.