“La Traviata” takes place in Paris in the year 1847 and tells the tragic story of a young woman named Violetta, played delicately by the Russian soprano Marina Poplavskaya and alternately by Elizabeth Futral, suffering from a mysterious disease. While hosting one of her lavish parties she is introduced to the gallant Alfredo Germont, played vigorously by Italian tenor Massimo Giordano and alternately by Alexey Dolgov, who is secretly in love with her. Like many love stories, she tries convincing him otherwise.

In the second act, a few months later and despite her failing health, the two are living a life together, struggling to get by and forcing Violetta to secretly sell her possessions for extra income. Alfredo’s father, Giorgio Germont, played by Polish baritone Andrzej Dobber and alternately by Stephen Powell, pays Violetta a surprise visit asking her to leave his son because the town speaks scandalously of the couple’s relationship, and it threatens his younger daughter’s marriage and the family’s reputation.

Deeply saddened, Violetta decides to leave Alfredo a note stating she is returning to her old life as a courtesan. Act three reunites the lovers once more.

In addition to the glorious voices of this diverse group of talented singers, particularly impressive was the set design by the internationally acclaimed scenic and costume designer Giovanni Agostinucci and the equally complimentary lighting by Award-winning designer Daniel Ordower.

The sets were lavish and detailed to perfection. In particular, the two level red velvet masquerade room, with statuette paintings of women half dressed and a grandiose stairway draped with red carpet, was singularly arresting.

All in all, the production was stellar and quite moving.

Dorothy Chandler Pavilion is located at 135 N. Grand Ave., Downtown. For more information, visit laopera.com.