The young lads of Something Corporate may be rock stars but they sure don’t act like it. At least judging from the face time shown on the band’s newest release, Live at the Ventura Theater.

During the dull and pointless introduction leading up to the actual performance, it is evident that the band members feel a bit awkward in front of the camera, seeing that they don’t have anything worthwhile to say. What we do learn, however, is that drummer Brian Ireland is a bit forgetful, bass player Clutch has a passion for bowling and singer Andrew McMahon was in desperate need of a haircut, prior to the show.

These unnecessary 20 minutes shouldn’t be held against Something Corporate, though, because when it comes down to it, it’s the music that matters. After all, it is the band’s musical talent, not their rock star qualities, that have made them a success.

The actual concert footage makes it all worthwhile, proving that Something Corporate knows how to please a crowd, even if it is mostly comprised of prepubescent fans.

The band blasts through 17 of their most popular tracks from all three of their hit albums, including “I Kissed a Drunk Girl,” “21 and Invincible” and “Only Ashes.” They also seamlessly play older favorites “If I Die” and “Walking By.” The sound quality is extremely clear and the variety of camera angles and shots capture some great moments and add to the excitement of the live concert.

Grade: B

Live at the Ventura Theater is currently available.