Who, upon seeing Clerks for the first time, could ever see this cup of sugary syrup in Kevin Smith’s future? The mainstream buried Jersey Girl under the grave of Bennifer fever (Ben Affleck stars, while Jennifer Lopez plays a small but crucial role), while the fringe saw it as Smith losing his edge. In the end, neither indictment holds much weight.

Jersey Girl is about as unpredictable as a trip from your bathroom to your bedroom, but it’s a sweet, funny film that still finds plenty of room to accommodate Smith’s skewed vision of the world. View it closely, and you begin to realize that Smith had this film in him all along. George Carlin (as Affleck’s father) and Liv Tyler (as the token love interest) turn in likeable performances, while Raquel Castro more than earns her keep as the film’s namesake.

Best extra: A collection of skits starring Smith as he travels around the country – the skits being funnier than the movie. Also: Commentary featuring Smith, Affleck and more; a lengthy interview with Smith and Affleck; deleted scenes; outtakes and text (yes, text) interviews.