The latest four-disc installment of the monster series showcases Season 8, which originally aired during 1996 and 1997. Hard to believe that this particular season is 10 years old, but still holds audiences in stitches today!

It picks up from the previous season where George’s much-chagrined fiancée, Susan, passed away from licking toxic envelopes, and her parents start a foundation to keep her memory alive. While George tries everything to avoid having to contribute to the foundation, J. Peterman suffers a nervous breakdown, and Elaine is in charge of the catalog.

Taking advice from Kramer (never a good idea), Elaine runs the Urban Sombrero on the cover. She goes through much of the season being teased (in the episode “The Little Kicks” with the famous Elaine dance) to being ridiculed by the staff (“The Fatigues”) to eventually losing her CEO status and returning to her old position (“The Money”).

Kramer’s zany adventures result in becoming a karate master (“The Foundation”); a cock-fighting trainer (“The Little Jerry”) and running into the infamous gang “The Van Buren Boys.” Kramer also tries to fight the tobacco companies with his notorious attorney Jackie Chiles, but once again defeats all of Jackie’s efforts.

It’s also Season 8 where Jerry becomes a mentor to his nemesis, Kenny Banya. Usually the voice of reason among the foursome, Jerry is in rare form as he single-handedly ruins his college friend’s career by persuading him to skip an important corporate meeting.

In turn, the friend becomes the general manager of Kenny Rogers Roasters, but Jerry ruins that venture by shaking a faux sable Russian hat in the restaurant, shedding rat hair everywhere. Jerry also bounces checks, and the storeowner puts his checks on display. Even though this season marks the departure of co-creator Larry David, the stories were still as wacky and inane as ever. Yada Yada Yada, you’ll love it!

Extras: deleted scenes, bloopers, two “Sein-Imation” features, interviews with cast and creators, factoid track on each episode.

Grade: B+

Seinfeld: Season 8 is currently available.