Look, you’ve either heard of this film or you’re not reading this, so we’ll skip the back-story. If you were too afraid to see how badly George Lucas butchered the sixth and final Star Wars film, be warned: The acting in Revenge of the Sith is as inconceivably wooden as it was in the preceding two films, and Lucas’ dialogue – particularly a single word uttered by a certain legendary character toward the film’s conclusion – is enormously cringe-worthy at times. That said, Sith packs more emotional and sensual wallop than the prior two films combined and five times over. And it bridges the two trilogies in an entirely satisfying, artful and fitting way. Have no fear.

Extras: Commentary with Lucas and crew, deleted scenes (with introductions), three behind-the-scenes features, 15-part behind-the-scenes Web documentary series, galleries and promotional spots, Xbox game demo, music video and more.

DVD Grade: A-