Japanese master Yasujiro Ozu’s final film, An Autumn Afternoon, comes to Criterion. Ozu, whose style is uniquely free from western cinematic conventions, can be somewhat difficult for American audiences.

The pacing is measured, the camera angles low, as if the entire film were from a child’s perspective, and he continually “crosses the line” so that characters appear not to be looking at one another. Made in 1962, Autumn is one of Ozu’s more accessible films while preserving all of the director’s trademarks.

There is little plot to speak of. The film centers on a widower and businessman who lives with his son and 24-year-old daughter who dotes on them. We watch as their lives unfold and the man realizes that his daughter should start her own life.

The film gives a view of a changing 1960s Japan colliding with the western world. A pervading note of feminism underlies this gentle, touching film.

Grade: A-

An Autumn Afternoon is currently available.