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General Disarray
General Disarray
Member Since: 1/21/2007
19 Recent Member Comments

General Disarray wrote about Film Screenings:
HAPPY THANKSGIVING everybody! And THANK YOU to Campus Circle for all of the terrific movie screenings this year!
Posted: 10:03am | 11/25/2010

General Disarray wrote about Film Screenings:
Thank you Campus Circle for the tix to see Due Date in Orange tonight. Love Robert Downey Jr. and Zach G. It's a very funny movie and we had a terrific time!
Posted: 9:50pm | 11/3/2010

General Disarray wrote about Film Screenings:
FYI - If you can't remember which movie screenings you have RSVP'ed to, trying to win tickets: Log in and on your Member Profile page, scroll down. They are listed under "Screenings I have entered" (win or lose).
Posted: 7:28pm | 7/18/2010

General Disarray wrote about Film Screenings:
BTW - I was referring to the Last Airbender screening at the Block in Orange. (Looks like from the post below me that Century City was the same situation.)
Posted: 7:58pm | 6/29/2010

General Disarray wrote about Film Screenings:
Wow, I was lucky enough to win tickets to the Last Airbender (thanks Campus Circle), arrived @5:15 but alas, I did not get in. Kinda surprised 'cause I've never gotten there that early and been turned away. Oh well, not compaining cause I know seating is not guaranteed, just telling those who posted complaints about not getting tickets that unless they could have arrived before 5pm, they wouldn't have gotten in to see it anyway.
Posted: 7:54pm | 6/29/2010

General Disarray wrote about Film Screenings:
Thank you Campus Circle for the "Splice" tickets. Had a creepy good time. And I do mean CREEEEEEPY!
Posted: 10:01pm | 6/3/2010

General Disarray wrote about Film Screenings:
Thank you Campus Circle for the "Prince of Persia" tickets. It had a good plot and lots of action - really enjoyed it!
Posted: 8:57pm | 5/28/2010

General Disarray wrote about the Cop Out OC Film Screening:
Thank you Campus Circle! We really enjoyed Cop Out in the OC!
Posted: 8:29pm | 2/26/2010

General Disarray wrote about the Invictus OC Film Screening:
Thank you Campus Circle! I really enjoyed Invitus. It started out a bit slow but by the end it had me cheering. The actors are good but the true star of Invictus is the humanity of Nelson Mandela. It is an uplifting and inspiring film and I have recommended it to all of my friends!
Posted: 8:39pm | 12/11/2009

General Disarray wrote about the Ninja Assassin OC Film Screening:
I admit that I'm not really into uber-violent films but I enjoyed Ninja Assasin (even though I had to look away a few times). Warning: there are gallons of blood flying across the screen, not to mention many severed body parts plus a lot of bloody wounds and scars. There are also scenes of children being tortured and this movie is definately NOT suitable for kids even though little kids were at this screening. Rain was certainly charismatic as the main character. And there are even a few one-liners thrown in to good effect - the "boy-band" comment was really funny. Thank you again Campus Circle and Happy Thanksgiving to everyone!
Posted: 8:15pm | 11/24/2009

General Disarray wrote about the The Blind Side OC Film Screening:
The Blindside is excellent for anyone who likes Sandra Bullock, football or would just like to be entertained and moved by an inspirational movie. I admit that everytime that Sandra's character got a little weepy, so did I. It's wholesome to be sure - a football movie without 4-letter words! Even Grandma will like it. My co-workers are anxious to see it this weekend and I told them that they won't be disappointed. Thank you Campus Circle for the the opportunity to see this fine movie!
Posted: 8:40pm | 11/18/2009

General Disarray wrote about Film Screenings:
Just came back from the Pirate Radio screening in Orange and it was a blast! I was not too sure about this going in but I thoroughly enjoyed it. It exceeded all expectations and I totally recommend it. Thank you Campus Circle!!!
Posted: 11:04pm | 11/11/2009

General Disarray wrote about the The Informant OC Film Screening:
Thank you Campus Circle! I really enjoyed this funny movie. The whole cast was great, including many stand-up comics in small roles! And just when you think Matt Damon's goofy character can't get any more wackier... LOL! I'm definately recommending this to all my friends!
Posted: 10:26pm | 9/14/2009

General Disarray wrote about the Taking Woodstock OC Film Screening:
Having recently seen an interesting Woodstock documentary on VH1, I was really looking forward to seeing this. Thank you Campus Circle! It started pretty well but soon I just wanted to get away from the uninteresting main character get to the concert. No such luck. Instead of focusing on the charismatic Lang (Wow!) or even the amusing Yasgur (Eugene Levy, great as always) we are stuck with Eliot, his run-down motel and his offensive mother! And the music? Almost non-existent. I did recognize a few bars from the Doors and Blind Faith, but they weren't even at Woodstock! Every 1960's movie cliche is thrown in too - crazed Vietnam vet, psychedelic LSD trip effects, etc). Ack! Pass the chocolate milk Max, I need a drink!
Posted: 5:51pm | 8/29/2009

General Disarray wrote about Film Forums: Do OC people like to go to the movies?:
Thanks again for all the screenings Campus Circle! And yes, more OC movie screenings, PLEASE! I've been to screenings at the Block in Orange, the Buena Park Mall & University Town Center (Irvine)and they are all great places to see a movie. With a 9 to 5 type job now, I can't drive into LA very often (the traffic is a nightmare). Besides, think of all the gas burned up by us OC people driving all the way into LA! Tsk, Tsk... Scheduling more screenings in OC saves energy and is good for the environment!!!
Posted: 6:19pm | 8/18/2009

General Disarray wrote about the Funny People OC Film Screening:
I was expecting something either a little more heart-warmimg (based on the first trailers that came out) or more hilarious (based on the most recent trailers) but I was kinda disappointed. Most of the characters are comics but their material wasn't that funny. And after the first 10,000 penis jokes... yawn. It felt toward the end that the film was about 30 minutes too long. Disclaimer: I was having a very unfunny day so my opinion may be skewed. The theatre was full and everyone else was laughing alot. I'm a big Seth Rogen fan and he was great as always. Best scene - Eminem! Thanks Campus Circle!
Posted: 7:46pm | 7/31/2009

General Disarray wrote about the Julie & Julia Film Screening:
Meryl Streep is fantastic in this movie and she and Stanley Tucci create quite the romantic couple. Although I thought that the "Julia" scenes were more interesting that the "Julie" parts, overall it is an enjoyable film with many laughs. And charm to spare. Plus - I feel like I've just returned from a mini holiday in France! Thank you for this screening Campus Circle!
Posted: 4:28pm | 7/24/2009

General Disarray wrote about the (500) Days of Summer OC Film Screening:
This movie is awesome - go see it! It is funny, sweet, quirky, romantic and also surprisingly moving. It's honest depiction of a relationship's untidy progress is so true that I've been relating the plot to my own life, more than once, since I saw it. It may have the same effect on you. Warning: By the end of this movie you'll probably end up crushing big-time on Joseph Gordon Levitt (sigh) even if you've never took notice of him before!
Posted: 5:55pm | 6/28/2009

General Disarray wrote about the Land of the Lost OC Film Screening:
It is mindless fun and I enjoyed it but it could have been even better. It felt like they weren't sure which direction to take. A family-adventure with a modern take on the original TV show. Or an R-rated spoof w/all the kitsch and low budget goofiness of the TV show taken to extremes. It is PG-13 and a weaker, mashed up version of both of those. I think Danny McBride (Will) stole the movie.
Posted: 5:31pm | 6/6/2009
