Everybody knows a Louis C.K. He’s that next-door neighbor who curses like a sailor and thinks you can’t hear. In a supermarket, he’s the guy that knocks over a fruit display and tries to pick it up real fast and hope you didn’t notice. He’s definitely the guy who cuts you off in traffic and waves as though that’ll make you feel more inclined to forgive his douchebaggery.

Louis C.K., in a growing trend of Dane Cooks and George Lopezes, is your “everyman” comedian, taking those little things in life that everybody experiences but nobody notices and pointing out how fundamentally ridiculous they are.

Actually, he had a whole show on HBO, “Lucky Louie,” devoted to the subject. And anything that HBO likes can’t be bad, right?

That was my reasoning as I popped in the DVD of his Shameless standup, and although it wasn’t the biggest hit HBO has ever come out with, it certainly wasn’t a miss. Louis pulls the common man card and runs with it all the way. He bashes on the wife, the kids, celebrates his beer belly and instructs the beginner on how to get away with the whole plate of cookies at a public function.

Shameless lives up to its name, and therein lies the only big flaw: it’s shameless in one direction. Guys are going to relate to this DVD a lot more than girls will because at least 75 percent of the humor is, shall we say, phallic-based. In fact, one might even stretch the point so far as to say it’s phallic-obsessed.

There’s the normal amount of “hot chick humor” and a requisite gay joke or two, but it goes beyond self-effacing and funny and careens into a TMI situation. But that may just be a girl thing – the guys I watched it with were not phased.

Fans of “Lucky Louie” will definitely appreciate this DVD. Louis’s standup is very much like the show, but less inhibited, probably because they don’t have to tone it down for Kelly Gould, the little girl who plays Lucy, Louis’s daughter on the show. He manages to distill the essence of the show and blend it into an energy-filled performance that’s sure to please the crowd.

Grade: B+

Shameless is currently available.