Matt Wagner returns to the character he created, reviving the original Grendel, Hunter Rose. Rose is an author by day, genius sociopath masked crime lord by night, dispensing with his enemies with cold ruthlessness.

The egomaniacal Rose copiously documented his alter ego in his diaries, but Behold The Devil investigates a mysteriously lost, undocumented period in Rose’s life. In it, Rose contends with the Korean mob, a nosy investigative journalist, a police task force bent on taking him down and a mysterious otherworldly force stalking him.

Wagner’s writing is epic with shocking bursts of violence. His trademark noir-influenced black and white and red artwork contains panels of real beauty. Fans won’t be disappointed while those coming to Grendel for the first time are in for a treat.

Grade: A

Grendel: Behold The Devil is currently available.